Sunday, January 4, 2009


Dear Minam Cedrick,

As I promised recently, I am sending you pictures of the New Year's Party I was invited to attend, with some of my old friends. I met some new people there also.

Everyone had a wonderful time celebrating before midnight the last evening of 2008 ~ ~ and well after the New Year of 2009 began ! Much food, libation and dancing ! Shortly after midnight, when the confetti and streamers had just fallen on everyone, a photographer asked a small group of revelers (which included me !) to turn to the camera for pictures. This is what he captured !

By way of explanation, let me tell you who the party-goers are in our photo. In the back row, standing head and shoulders over us all, are twin brothers whom I met at the party for the first time. Their names are Connor (blue hat) and Conan (red hat). Their old friends have nick-named them "The Gentle Giants" ! And, I found them to be very nice, though Conan is the better dancer of the two! Then, from left to right in the front row is Cormick (red hat, and seated on the floor!), and next to him, of course, is myself! I was provided a sparkly, festive hat to wear for the occasion! Then, lastly, is Collin (green top hat). Both Cormick and Collin are very old friends of mine ~ please note, I state they are old friends of mine ~ and nothing more! 'tee-hee'

I am enjoying very much the pictures your family sends to mine ~ ~ I enjoy seeing what you are seeing and where you are visiting!

A few days into the New Year, Collin and I went out for a day in the snow. He pushed me through the drifts in an old-fashioned sleigh, and we built a snow man. Of course, no day playing in the snow would be complete without a snow ball fight! Pictures soon !

So, until next time and unknown place ~ ~ SAFE TRAVELS!

Most fondly,

Jageun Kkot

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