Tuesday, January 13, 2009


My Minam Cedrick,

I hope this note finds you and your family having a good beginning to the year 2009! And that all are adjusting well to Sokcho, their jobs, their new apartment as well as their new friends. What do you do all day while your family is working? You should surprise them by doing some housechores and perhaps cooking their dinner. Now that WOULD be a big surprise for them!

The most recent pictures of your family hiking above Yeognangjeong Lake to see the Beombawi Rock were so beautiful. Please tell them how very much we all enjoyed taking the walk with them ~ and how wonderful they look to us !

As promised, am sharing pictures of the fun time Collin and I had on a beautifully, snowy day recently. We had quite a lot of fun ~ building the snowman and having a bit of a snow-ball fight. Am trying to preserve one or two snowballs to send to you by postal service. I am not sure what condition they will be in when they arrive!

I will be sharing pictures of my family and our experiences soon. I know you would like to see their faces and where they have been recently. They send their love and happy wishes to you and your family, as I also most certainly do.

Very fondly,

Jageun Kkot

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Dear Minam Cedrick,

As I promised recently, I am sending you pictures of the New Year's Party I was invited to attend, with some of my old friends. I met some new people there also.

Everyone had a wonderful time celebrating before midnight the last evening of 2008 ~ ~ and well after the New Year of 2009 began ! Much food, libation and dancing ! Shortly after midnight, when the confetti and streamers had just fallen on everyone, a photographer asked a small group of revelers (which included me !) to turn to the camera for pictures. This is what he captured !

By way of explanation, let me tell you who the party-goers are in our photo. In the back row, standing head and shoulders over us all, are twin brothers whom I met at the party for the first time. Their names are Connor (blue hat) and Conan (red hat). Their old friends have nick-named them "The Gentle Giants" ! And, I found them to be very nice, though Conan is the better dancer of the two! Then, from left to right in the front row is Cormick (red hat, and seated on the floor!), and next to him, of course, is myself! I was provided a sparkly, festive hat to wear for the occasion! Then, lastly, is Collin (green top hat). Both Cormick and Collin are very old friends of mine ~ please note, I state they are old friends of mine ~ and nothing more! 'tee-hee'

I am enjoying very much the pictures your family sends to mine ~ ~ I enjoy seeing what you are seeing and where you are visiting!

A few days into the New Year, Collin and I went out for a day in the snow. He pushed me through the drifts in an old-fashioned sleigh, and we built a snow man. Of course, no day playing in the snow would be complete without a snow ball fight! Pictures soon !

So, until next time and unknown place ~ ~ SAFE TRAVELS!

Most fondly,

Jageun Kkot

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Dear Cedrick,

I was overjoyed to receive the wonderful pictures of you and your family hiking to and from the school where Daniel (may I be so bold as to call him by his name?) will be teaching. I very much enjoyed seeing the scenic areas you visited in my homeland ~ ~ and to see the mountains once again was very enjoyable for me.

Seeing you with the wonderful snowman you made caused me to laugh right out loud! You look so proud of your creation!

The pictures I would like to share with you are from Christmas Eve with my family. First, I wanted to share with you a picture of the Church, looking very beautful in the silent night with the snow lightly falling. My family all sang in the choir during the wonderful services. It was truly uplifting.

Then we visited the city of Bethlehem, which you see in the background. But, the more special visit of the night was on the outskirts of the village ~ ~ the stable in which the Christ-child was born. We felt truly blessed to, once again, absorb the true meaning of our Christmas celebration. We all had a wonderful Christmas Eve, as I trust you and your family did also.

I have been invited to a New Year's Party and am very much looking forward to going. I will be seeing some of my old friends, so I am sure it will be great fun! I will, of course, send pictures when they are available!

So, until next time and unknown place ~ ~ SAFE TRAVELS !

Most fondly,

Jageun Kkot

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dear Cedrick, my Minam (Handsome) Friend,

I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you, at long last. I just know you will have mani (many) wonderful adventures and experiences while in my homeland to share with me; I will do the same for you. I will look forward to each new message aeseo (from) you - ae (to) me.

Your sajok (family) shared many sajins (photographs) with my sajok ~ ~ which I enjoyed seeing very much. It was pleasureable to see scenes of Sokcho, and to see the deep nun (snow) looking out your apartment jangmun (window). Shibiwol (December) can be so beautiful in Sokcho. I enjoyed the gyeouls (winters) as a eorini (child).

I want to hear all about your deung (hiking) adventure. Are you going to the san (mountain)? You will be able to see the bada (sea) from there. But do not ppalli (hurry) wi (up) or mit (down). There is wiheom (danger) if you do that!

I hope to have sajins shortly of my mani (many) excursions! Some may be surprising!

Uri (we) all here in the States trust you had a wonderful gonghyuil (holiday) and we wish you a very Happy Saeroun Nyeon (New Year), beginning in Ilwal (January) !

So, until next time and unknown place ~ ~ SAFE TRAVELS!

Warmest regards,

Jageun kkot

P. S. Shipshiyo (please) share with me your saeroun (new) juso (address) so I may send you pyeonjis (letters).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


To Cedrick, your Host Family, and Friends following my travel adventures,

Please, followers of my "Travels" site, bear with me and allow me the personal priviledge of speaking to one special individual who I hope is following my travels.

Cedrick, though it is not yet the 24th of December here in the U. S., it is already Christmas Eve for you in Sokcho, South Korea. I would like to wish you and your Host Family a wonderful Christmas Eve and a blessed Christmas Day.

Cecil and wife, Cybil wanted me to pass along their best wishes to you, and they were sorry you were out of the country during their visit to the States. They are returning to the U. K. the day after Christmas, weather permitting. We are, unfortunately, having some travel problems by air and overland, due to unusual snow and ice conditions. Who knows, perhaps I will be having an adventure with Cecil and his family if they are unable to leave the U. S. as scheduled ! That would be exciting, wouldn't it? I will keep you informed.

For my faithful followers of the travel column, I am sorry I have no pictures to post at this time. The same weather problems which have kept Cecil and his Family from traveling has kept most of us from even leaving our homes. Be assured ~ ~ when it is safe to do so, you will share in my next adventure in travel.

So, until next time and unknown place ~ ~ SAFE TRAVELS !

Jaguen kkot

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cedrick, you'll never believe who I ran into during my latest travels. Was doing Christmas shopping and needed sustinance. Obviously, I stopped at both of our favorite spots. LOOK who I ran into!

Cecil, his wife Cybil, and children, are having a holiday in the states! I understand he is your third cousin twice removed on your mother's side, but looks identical to you. I loved Cecil's British accent ~~ one of the things that I have admired in your travelogs to date is your voice.

Cecil and I had great fun with our photographer setting up this picture so that we were in the same positions as the two earlier pictures.

Hoping our friendship continues,

Jageun kkot

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday with my host family

Even though upon awaking this morning the temperature was well below zero, the family and I had plans to attend Bible Class and Worship Service together. My host family assured me that they would pre-warm the van before our travels, so we braved the cold! Obviously, we made it!

In bible study we are covering the book of Romans, having taken about 2 months to get to the end of chapter 3! Though from birth I was taught to be demure, there is a time for boastfulness (3:27), but if it comes from our pride thinking that we are self important, we are told that it is worthless.

As you can see, they do not serve my favorite brand of coffee, so I had to suffer in silence. Given the weather, the heat was welcome. (tee hee)

One of the grandsons and his friend joined us for church today! It was most pleasant to worship with extended family. After church, we enjoyed a most refreshing meal with the family and braved the cold once more to come home, where we now prepare for our siestas.

Hope all is well in your world,

Jageun kkot